I apologize for letting so much time pass between posts, but there has seriously been nothing going on around here! Everyone's healthy and happy and hasn't done anything particularly exciting. Plus, with the insane, incessant rain over the past week we've been stuck in the house, and that's made us super-boring.
So I'll give you the highlights of the past couple of weeks:
Hays has finally decided that it's time to start walking! He's still not walking all the time like Will is, but he's doing a whole lot more than he had been. He can go 6-7 feet before he loses his balance and plops down. And he is sooooo proud of himself. The look on his face is priceless! He's also gotten two new words over the last week- "juice" and "up," so we're proud.
Will is walking pretty much all the time. He rarely crawls and he seems to be getting taller by the day. He has a new word too, "more." He generally uses it when he's talking about food!
Mason is still loving school. He and I went to "family fun night" last week at his school. We ate Chick-Fil-A and they had a few big inflatable bouncy things set up in the gym. He had fun and spent the whole time playing with a cute little girl from his class. She kept on hugging him and all I could think was "Lord help us when he hits the teenage years!" I was so proud of him last night. We were working on homework and he was working on his alphabet tracing sheets. When they complete the whole thing, they turn it in and earn a trip to the classroom treasure box. He was about halfway through with it since we've been doing a couple of pages per night, but he decided that he wanted to finish it. So he sat down and did just that! I'm not sure where he gets his scholarly motivation from. God knows that's not a trait he inherited from me or Matt!
I've been a busy little bee as well. I finally got the boys' scrapbooks caught up so I'll be ready for the barrage of holiday pictures! I also participated in the Mothers of Multiples' consignment sale. I had so much stuff to sell!! I didn't sell as much as I would have liked, but I made a little money and got all that stuff out of my house, so I think it was a success! And I love the other twin moms in the mothers of multiples group. In fact, I'm having a few of them over for a playdate tomorrow morning. I'll have four sets of twins ages 3 and under at my house tomorrow. Fun or insane? It remains to be seen......
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago