Haysie on his big boy bed
Well, my father in law pointed out last night that I'd basically abandoned my poor, lonely blog, and I felt guilty enough that I had to post! It's been basically two months since I've made it here, and plenty of things have happened. I've just been too lazy and facebook dependant to post about them! Okay, so we'll take it month by month.
School ended- BOO!!!!! Mason was so incredibly sad. He seriously cried for close to an houthe last day. He kept telling me, "Mom, I'm going to miss school! I don't want kindergarten to be over. I love kindergarten. I'm going to miss Miss Kelli and Miss Beth and all my friends!" It was sort of hard to comfort him when I really wanted to cry too! I loved kindergarten as much as he did- he learned so much, and they kept him entertained and out of my hair 8 hours a day!!!
Matt turned 32 and we celebrated our 7th anniversary. Neither of those things were over-the-top exciting. We cooked steaks for Matt's birthday, woohoo, exciting. And for our anniversary, we got cheap tacos and margaritas at Taqueria Del Sol and went to see the new Sex and the City movie. It probably won't go down in history as the world's most thrilling anniversary celebration, but we had fun.
Mason turned 6!!! Holy cow, 6. That doesn't seem possible. I have to admit, I was actually kind of depressed. Six seems so old. I was totally okay with five. Five is still a little kid age. But six seems to be the first step on the road to big kid, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Ready or not, the birthday happened and we celebrated in high style at Chuck E. Cheese. It was a zoo but the kids had a big time. And the grown-ups were happy because Chuck E. Cheese serves beer and wine. I will point out that my mother gave me a hard time about drinking wine at my own child's birthday party, so I did not partake of the crappy mouse wine. Instead, I had to make do with diet coke while my husband, father, sister and brother in law enjoyed mouse beer. (I do find it interesting that it was okay for Matt to have a beer, but not me. Hmmmmm)
Mason got more Bakugan than any one child ever should. Seriously, every gift but one was Bakugan. I guess his friends know him well. Of course, I'm sure the fact that he brought a Bakugan every week for show and tell kind of tipped them off.
After the birthday festivities, we settled into the long, hot, boring days of summer. It's averaged 10,000 degrees every afternoon, so we've been stuck inside waaaay too much. We've made it to my mom's pool a few times and the kids have had fun with that- even the water temperature is that of a warm bath. There has been lots of whining and fighting from the kids and plenty of yelling and threatening to run away from me. Luckily, we've had some visits from Aunt Ninny to distract us.
Mason had a week of bible school which provided not only spiritual enlightenment, but also a blissfull three hours of entertainment a day for an entire week. He's also been taking swimming lessons for the last two weeks, and he's really doing great with that. I mean, he's not Michael Phelps yet, but he can get partway across the pool without drowning, so yay!!
The twins made the switch to big-boy beds a couple of weeks ago, and that's been quite an adventure. They've actually done okay with it. There have been many times that they've played for an hour or more before finally giving up the good fight and going to sleep, and we've had to dole out a fair number of spankings and admonishments, but they're getting the hang of it. They're not getting out of their room- only because they can't since we've got a cover on the doorknob- but as long they're in their room, they're out of my hair.
I had a good time re-doing their room. It has a cowboy theme! I still have a couple of things to do to it, but maybe I'll post pictures when I'm finished. (I'm no longer making promises for future posts, because we have established that I'm lazy and unreliable)
But I will make a good effort to post again in no more than 2 1/2 weeks, because we're going to the beach!!!! Woohoo, St. Simons, here we come. And I know I'll have lots of tales and pictures to share with you, so check back soon.