The boys are looking pretty good. Hays had several apnea episodes (where he forgets to breath and the nurses have to come in and remind him) and they had to up his dosage of caffiene. I would have brought him some baby Starbucks, but the nurses felt it was best to continue to give it to him through the IV. I'm not fully convinced that he wouldn't have preferred a caramel macchiato, but whatever. He also went back on c-pap for probably a couple of days, but he hasn't had any apnea since, so go Hays!!!
Will got a pick line put in today in place of his umbilical IV, and that went well and didn't really stress him out too much. He also discovered his thumb last night, and his sweet nurse took the cutest picture of him sucking his thumb. Tomorrow I think they're going to try to get him off the vent again, so lets hope it goes better than the first time and he'll be done with that old thing!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Hi Cameron! Will and Hays are adorable. It sounds like they're doing very well. Did they try extubating Will today? Babies do so well once they're off the vent. I am keeping my fingers crossed that your boys have an uneventful NICU course.
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