Today was my dayto spend some quality time with Mason. we haven't had a lot of chances to just hang out lately, so my mom kept Hays this morning so Mason and I could do something fun. we went out to Washington Farms to pick strawberries, and we had a blast. We picked a big bucket of the most beautiful, ridiculously yummy strawberries (we're planning to make strawberry pie together tomorrow). Then Mason got to see all the animals in the little petting zoo. He got a big kick out of the goats, especially when they would head-butt each other! They had old fashioned water pumps for this kids to play with, and I like to never got him away from those. After the farm, we went to the park. He had a ball- right up until he fell in the creek. He was not a happy camper at the prospect of riding home soaking wet, and kept yelling, "it is not funny mommy!" (but it was) He was in much better spirits after he got some dry clothes on, and all in all, he had a great day.
Not so much for Hays. That poor kid has had some major tummy trouble. I don't know if it's gas or reflux or a combination of the two, but something was hurting him. He had to sleep upright in his swing last night because he cried every time we tried to lay him down. It made for a very long night. He's doing the same thing tonight, so Matt and I will probably be the walking dead by tomorrow. His pediatrician prescribed Zantac for him today, so hopefully that will help.
Will is still doing great. My sister held him for a long time today, so I know he was happy. and he is a big fan of his new bouncy seat according to his nurses. My sister said he was completely enthralled by it.
Well, Hays is quiet (for the moment), so I'm dragging my tired bones to bed before he starts wailing again!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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