Still no word on whether the g-tube is a go or not. The doctor was trying to get the surgical team in for an evaluation today, but that didn't happen. I'm guessing it won't happen tomorrow either since the surgeons will likely be celebrating the 4th, so I assume it will be the beginning of next week. I'm hoping it happens soon. We're supposed to go to the beach next Saturday (the doctors decided that it would be a good thing for us to go and get a little break before we bring Will home and up our crazy factor by at least 50%! They're planning to send him home on the 21st if there are no complications) So we'll need him to have the surgery towards the beginning of the week so we'll have plenty of time to make sure no complications arise. It's a pretty simple procedure, but problems are always a possibility.
Egleston seems to be having mechanical problems today- Will's bathroom was flooded! My mom went to see him today and she said his floor was covered with about two inches of water! Unbelievable. I swear, it's a good hospital for the most part, but some things make me crazy. Like some of the nurses. I have to say that I respect nurses and think that they are amazing and the majority do an amazing job, but Will has had some crappy ones lately. I went to see him yesterday and he was still in the outfit I put him in the morning before. So he hadn't been bathed or had his clothes changed in over 24 hours. And the nurses are supposed to change the gauze aroung his trach every 4 hours so his neck doesn't get red and raw. We've been over this and over this, and yet it still isn't happening. When I was there on Monday, his nurse thought it was supposed to be changed every 12 hours. Grrrrrr, it is really frustrating! But soon he'll be home and I'll know he's getting proper care because I'll be doing it.
Of course, even I don't always do everything right. Today was no exception. I took Mason and Hays to Wal-Mart to get stuff to make food for the party we're going to tomorrow. I put both boys in the car and told Mason to get in his carseat and buckle up while I returned the cart. My mistake was that I left the doors open so they wouldn't get hot. I put up the cart and turn to see Mason narrowly avoid getting hit by a van as he ran across the parking lot to me. He scared me to death and about gave the people in the van a heart attack. And even though I went over and over how dangerous that was, all he would say was"It's okay, the van stopped." I'm trying to drill into his head that it stopped this time, but it might not the next. I'll tell you one thing, I won't leave those doors open again!
But we were lucky and my kid didn't get run over. So we spent the afternoon making red velvet cupcakes for tomorrow. I hope everyone has a fabulous (and safe) 4th.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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