We are currently taking bets on whether Mason will survive the summer, or if I'm going to kill him before kindergarten starts. Oh Lord, y'all, handful does not even begin to describe that child. There is no denying that Mason loves his little brothers, and most of the time he's very sweet to them. but as soon as my back is turned- watch out! I swear I won't be out of sight for two minutes before one of the twins is crying. Mason loves to trap them with toys, or hold onto them and knock them over, stuff that makes them mad more than hurts them, but this week he has taken torture to new heights.
Monday: I hear Hays crying hysterically in the playroom and come in to find Mason "waterboarding" him with a juice box. Poor Hays is lying on his back, bawling his eyes out while Mason squeezes apple juice all over his face!
Tuesday: I told Mason to watch the twins while I took the trash out (a two-minute task- tops). I come back in and see Hays crying with his hair sticking up all over his head. Upon closer inspection, I see that he has something sticky and gooey all over his head. Then Will comes crawling in in the same state. I'm trying to figure out what on earth is in their hair, and I'm yelling at Mason "What is this???? What did you put on their heads??" And he's frantically searching his devious little mind for a lie that won't get him in trouble. When he couldn't come up with anything he asked "If I tell you are you going to spank me?" I replied "YES, but if you don't tell me I'm going to spank you a whole lot harder!" Turns out he had squeezed gooey, liquid candy all over their heads. I still have no idea what possessed him to do that, but I was mad at him the rest of the day!
Wednesday: Mason got in trouble for being ugly to Will (imagine that) so I sent him to his room. When he came out he said "Mommy, there's water all over my bed. I wonder how it got there." I went in to find his bed completely soaked and the cup of water he keeps on his nightstand lying on the floor, suspiciously empty. I asked why on earth he had poured water on his bed. His response was "I think Will did it." After I yelled at him for lying, he admitted that he had been trying to pour water on the cat! And actually, I have to tell on myself and admit that I really asked "Why in the hell did you dump water all over your bed?" That came back to bite me when we took a trip to Sam's that afternoon and he asked me, "Now what in the hell do we have to get?" Oops.
Thursday: We actually got a break from the obnoxious behavior and he was relatively good all day. When it was time for the twins' bath, Mason was helping me by sitting in the bathroom watching Hays in the tub while I got Will undressed. When I came in the bathroom, Mason was very gently bathing Hays. It was so sweet and I praised him lavishly for being so helpful. After their bath, he offered to sit with Will while I got Hays out of the tub and dressed. I was in the den drying Hays when here comes Mason with a big, proud grin on his face, carrying Will whom he has somehow gotten out of the tub and wrapped in a towel. Now will is heavy and almost as long as Mason, so I just about had a heart attack when I saw this! I told Mason that I really appreciated him trying to be so helpful, but he must NEVER try to get one of the babies out of the bathtub again.
So after a week like this, who knows what today will bring. I'm almost afraid to find out!!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago