Our wedding 6 years ago!
Will's baptism
At the church- how good lookin' are my guys?
So here are the long overdue pictures from the big ol' Mikulak clan family baptism event!! It went surprisingly well. The kids behaved beautifully and kept their clothes amazingly neat! Hays got a little noisy while we were up at the alter, but it was cute. So all my guys got right with the Lord and we joined the church. We had lots of family and friends surrounding us, and we felt very lucky and blessed. And then we all got to eat some good barbecue at Mama's house, so a good time was had by all!
Sunday was our anniversary, so Matt and I watched our wedding video. I was so nostalgic watching all the fun we had with our friends, who we love and don't see nearly enough and truly miss. Our wedding was fantastic and we were so lucky on that day to be surrounded by pretty much all the people that we love- I wish I could do it all over again every year!
Mason is in bible school this week and he is having a blast. A couple of school friends are in his group and he loves it. Last year he whined every day about going, but this year he's all about it. I'm putting the time that he's at VBS and the twins are napping to good use. Today I had coffee with my friend who's daughter is also at VBS. I told her that I was thinking of painting my kitchen, and she encouraged me to go for it. So I ran by Lowe's before VBS pick-up and got a gallon of paint! I used Mason's toy car, Sally, from the movie Cars as my color model. It's a shade or two lighter, but it's Sally blue! The color is called "Martha's Vinyard," but I'm calling it "ride, Sally, ride."
I got the walls painted while the twins were napping and got the second coat done tonight. I love it and I didn't have to get any new accessories. I used a few different things that
I already had and now I just have to make a new curtain. I have some fantastic chicken fabric that I saved from the curtains I made at the first house Matt and I lived in after we got married. and I think it will be the perfect touch. I'll start painting the cabinets tomorrow- they need a fresh coat of white- and then I'll post pictures!
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