Mason had another great week at school! He earned all his stickers so we could have movie night on Friday. And it's a good thing he did because we finished reading James and the Giant Peach the night before and he was very anxious to see the movie. That was our first try at reading a "big kid" chapter book and he did great. He kept up with story and listened well and I think he really enjoyed the book. We're going to get a new one this week- I'm thinking maybe A Cricket in Times Square.
The twins had their 18 month checkup this week. They're both healthy and growing and doing all the things they should be. Will weighs 22 lbs. and is 31 inches long. Hays is 29 inches and only 17 lbs. He's gaining weight, but not quickly. It doesn't help that he's started throwing half of his food to the dog! The pediatrician wants me to start giving him Carnation Instant Breakfast once or twice a day to help bulk him up. He seems to like it, but the gummy vitamins the doctor recommended are a different story. I gave him the first one and he spit it out. I thought it might have been too big, so I split one in half and gave it to him. This time, he spit it out, then threw it at me. Point taken. I guess he'll catch up eventually, but at this rate our dog is going to weigh 300 lbs and Hays is going to waste away to nothing!
I went to the giant kids consignment sale this week to try to find some clothes and toys for the kids. I didn't find much in the way of clothes- just some pajamas for the twins- but I hit paydirt on toys. I've been wanting a small climbing structure for the twins to put in the playroom, but those things are like $150 and that was just too much for me to pay. Well, I found a great one at the sale for $25!!! And the twins love it. They climb all over it and go down the slide and play peek-a-boo. Totally worth 25 bucks. I found some other fun little toys and some cool tranformers and GI Joes for Mason. So the sale was a success. Let's hope I have as much luck selling stuff at the mothers of multiples consignment sale in a couple of weeks!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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