A month since I've posted- shameful, I know. Sorry, but it's been boring. We've really done nothing lately but hang out. But we're just about at the end of what has truly been a near perfect day, so I thought I'd tell y'all about it. Here's how a perfect day goes in my world....
The day started a bit before 7:30, which was almost decadently late for us. I'm a big fan of the change to daylight savings time because it makes the little ones sleep later and we get to enjoy outside time after dinner. Everyone was in a good mood and we got to have some good snuggle time on an easy, laid-back morning.
I made a trip all by myself to the grocery store (which is always pleasant) and got pots of herbs to plant an herb garden, and lots of fresh ingredients to make a week's worth of healthy meals for my family. I got the chance to feel like a super-mommy in the checkout line. As the cashier was ringing up my groceries, I glanced at the items the mother behind me was unloading on the conveyor belt. I was astonished and dismayed to see that her cart was filled with nothing but processed foods, junky snack foods and soda. Not a vegetable or fruit in sight. This woman was essentially buying nothing but frozen items containing bread and cheese, sugar and soda. Now, I'm not claiming to be the perfect mom, but dang, at least I feed my family well. So I got to feel superior for a moment, and y'all know I love those rare opportunities to feel superior!!!
After unloading the groceries and feeding the kids lunch, I took Mason to soccer practice. This is his first year playing soccer and only his second practice. He has no idea what he's doing, but he's getting better. And he looks soooooooo stinkin' cute in his soccer shorts, shinguards and cleats! He's having a good time and he's decided soccer is way more fun than baseball. There's an awful lot of sitting around waiting in baseball, and that's never been Mason's strong suit. Soccer keeps him up and moving the whole time and that's definitely a good thing.
Once soccer practice was over, we came home to enjoy the incredibly beautiful day. I planted our new herbs while the kids played on the swingset. I can't wait to use all those wonderful herbs in the kitchen. We are going to be eating soooo good for the next few months! The kids had a great afternoon outside, but after a couple of hours the twins were worn out and ready to go inside. Matt and I stuck them in front of a Baby Einstein DVD and we got to relax on the deck with a beer and a glass of wine for 20 minutes or so.
Matt grilled some delicious honey lime chicken, and I got to sit surrounded by the four guys I love more than anything on earth and enjoy a yummy dinner. After we got the twins bathed and in bed, Matt built a fire in the chimenea and we let Mason roast marshmallows. He's been asking to do this for the past couple of weeks, so he was super-excited. As we sat there on the deck on this beautiful evening with our beautiful child, I was so thankful for my blessings. I have this wonderful husband who loves me and our kids so much, and these incredible, gorgeous, wonderful children who are the center of my entire world. And we are lucky enough to live in this cute little house in this great little town on one of the prettiest days God has ever made. How could anyone possibly be luckier than that? And now I'm going to go read to my son and tuck him into his cozy bed, and watch a movie with my sweet husband and thank God for giving me the loveliest day and the loveliest life!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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