This weekend I have seen no less than six Facebook posts about people putting up their Christmas trees. Christmas trees? What???? Did I miss something? Isn't it only the first weekend of November? I mean, seriously, I know Christmas comes earlier every year, but the first weekend in November????????? Call me Scrooge, but I am not a fan.
It's not that I don't love Christmas- I do. It is, as the song says, the most wonderful time of the year. It's absolutely magical and joyful, not to mention, sparkly. And since I'm drawn to shiny things like a raccoon, Christmas decorations are right up my glitter-strewn ally. I get just as excited as everyone when it's time to break out the tinsel and stockings (Hmmmm, I just realized that could apply to either a strip club or holiday decorations.....) But in my house, it's not time yet.
One of the things that makes Christmas so special is that it's only here for a brief time. And frankly, a month is plenty long for me. If I put up a tree now, it will have become a part of the scenery by Christmas day. I won't even notice it anymore. If anything, I'll be ready to get it down just so I can have that corner of my living room back! But if it's only up for three or four weeks, it's still special and fun. If I turn on Christmas carols now, I'll be ready to punch Rudolph right in that red, glowing nose by December first!!
But the main reason I don't decorate early is because I feel like Thanksgiving gets robbed. It gets squished into this whole holiday hoopla with Christmas and New Year's, and doesn't get the appreciation and celebration it so rightly deserves. I've said before on this blog that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's all about family togetherness and decadent food, and it brings with it the promise of the Christmas season. I adore that day from the parade in the morning, to the huge family gathering in the afternoon, right up to the lighting of the Rich's great tree that night. When the soprano hits that high note on Oh Holy Night, and that tree blazes into all its glowing glory, the Christmas season officially begins for me. But not one moment before. I want to fully embrace Thanksgiving day and take that time to count my blessings, enjoy my family, and humbly thank God for all that He has given me. So while I'll be decorating, it will be with pumpkins, gourds and fall leaves. You won't see one speck of Christmas cheer around this house until November 26th.
Now if you're one of those early decorators, that's okay- to each his own. I fully respect your right to deck your halls as early as you want to. (Unless you start in July like Hobby Lobby. I'm sorry, at that point, I just can't be your friend.) But I'm stickin' to my guns. We'll welcome Christmas with open arms- just as soon as we've polished off the turkey and pumpkin pie.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
So true! DH & I were just talking about this the other day when the day after Halloween, we walked into our local grocery store & saw that it was being decked out for Christmas! What happened to Thanksgiving?!?!? And on that note, I'll go compose my rantings for my blog. Happy Holidays!
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