I probably shouldn't say it, because I will undoubtedly jinx myself, but I swear we're turning a corner with the little guys. It's always been somewhat of a nightmare to try to do anything fun with them. It's usually so chaotic and frustrating that I wind up huddled in a corner, balled up in the fetal position, rocking and moaning, "Why do I even try???" But this weekend, things were different.
We had three events to attend this weekend, two birthday parties and dinner at Nana's house. This is literally more whole-family fun than we have ever attempted. And it went shockingly, astoundingly, amazingly well. The first birthday party was at a nearby park with lots of potential for danger. There's a steep hill, a fairly busy parking lot, and a creek. Not to mention the meltdown potential of presents meant for someone else and candles that they couldn't blow out. But we didn't have a single problem!!! They played, they frolicked, they ate cake and ice cream, and didn't try to steal Jack's presents!! They didn't even attempt to dive off the bridge into the creek after the first warning!!
This incredible success was followed by a fairly pleasant dinner at Matt's mother's house. I mean, they didn't actually sit down and eat, and Will did strip completely naked and run around the yard while they were playing in the sprinkler, but that was no big deal. They didn't break anything or run around like holy terrors. They listened fairly well and for once, I wasn't ready to kill them by the time we left!
Sunday was another shockingly good day. This time we were going to a party for one of Mason's friends at Pump It Up, the big inflatable bounce place. The birthday boy was kind enough to invite younger siblings, and the twins were so excited to get to go to another party. They love Pump It Up, but the last time we went, it was a lot of work for me. They bouncy stuff is big, and there was a lot that they couldn't manage to climb without my help. Not this time. Those little monkeys ran with the big boys like I couldn't believe. They bounced, they climbed, the went through the obstacle course, they got knocked down and got right back up without crying. I was amazed. They were truly awesome. Instead of spending the whole time chasing them and fussing at them, Matt and I spent most of the party watching them and marveling at how tough they were.
And today, thought it seems too good to be true, my luck has held. I had to take them into the post office this morning and we had to wait in line. I was sure there would be whining, struggling to get away from me, running around the post office, screaming, etc. But no, they stood in line like little angels and waited patiently. Two ladies behind us actually commented on how good they were! (This has never, ever happened- it was a noteworthy moment!) Then we went to the playground and they listened and followed directions. It fills me with such hope that we may actually be approaching the point where we can do real, fun things as a family!
Now I know there will still be some god-awful days. I am fully aware that we are, by no means, out of the woods when it comes to horrible, frustrating outings. But I truly believe that we're getting to the point that they won't all be horrible and frustrating. And that, my friends, is the best feeling. It's like, after three years of dreading leaving the house, we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel- and I don't even think it's a train!! It's happening, folks. They're turning into real, honest-to-goodness human beings. We might (fingers crossed, knock on wood) survive this raising twins thing......
very good blog
thank yu
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