Dear Lord,
I need your help. I need you to hold me back and keep me from killing this child. Because, Lord, I don't know if I can do it on my own. Honestly, how many times can you be argued with? How much smart-mouthed back talk can you take before you finally snap and knock his head clean off his shoulders- sending that sass-mouth rolling clear across the kitchen floor? I'm not sure exactly how much, but I'm afraid I'm going to find out.
So hold me back, Lord. Please. I don't want to kill him. I love him more than my own life. And there are so many times that I'm amazed by how cute, sweet, smart and funny he is. But, Lord, this is not one of those times.Quiet my nerves and hold my tongue, because it's about to get away from me. I need you, Lord. You and a glass of wine.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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