So here's a disgusting little story. Yesterday I had Hays and Will out on the front porch in their bouncy seats. We have a lot of trees in our yard, and consequently, a lot of birds. Well, apparently one was sitting right over Hays, because it pooped on him! It got his seat, his head, and his shirt! How gross is that? I washed everything (of course) and it came out of the bouncy seat, but not his shirt. One of our trees has some kind of purple berries on it that the birds love, and they have been kind enough to cover our cars and deck, and now our baby with dark purple bird poop. Thanks a lot birds!!!! So now I'm a little hesitant to sit on the front porch with them!
Other than that, all the boys are doing great. Will is his usual sweet, smiley self. He is babbling all the time now. He says mama, dada and baba, the problem is, he has no idea what they mean! I can't wait for the day that he makes the connection. Hays is still gnawing on everything he can get his mouth on. That little tooth is only about halfway out, so it's still hard to see. But you can sure feel it as he bites the crap out of you! Mason is still loving taekwondo. He got another black stripe on his belt today. I have no idea what that means, but apparently, it's good.
I'm almost done painting our bedroom. It's such a pretty shade of beachy blue. I can't wait to finish it so I can get my house back in order. I looooove redecorating, but man, does the rest of my house suffer!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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