What an exciting election!!!! Matt and I are thrilled that Barack Obama has been chosen as the next president. But I am even happier about what this says about America and how far our country has come. no matter what side you're on politically, I think we can all be proud that we finally live in a nation where, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, "A man can be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the strenth of his character." I am glad that my children are growing up in a society where when we tell them "you can be anything you want, even president of the United States," it is true for every child. Go America!!!
Okay, so now I'll step down from my political soapbox and tell you about my hilarious Mason. The other day he got the world's best toy. Matt's grandmother had a small vacuum cleaner with an adjustable handle in her apartment. On its lowest setting, it's just Mason's size, so we brought it home for him. Mason has always loved vacuum cleaners and has had his own toy one since he was two, so he was thrilled to get a real. But not nearly as thrilled as I was when I walked into the living room after putting some stuff away in my room to find that he had cleared the floor of all the toys and was preparing to vacuum the rug! Best. Toy. Ever.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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