Poor Will and Hays had to get their nine month immunizations today- four shots! They didn't think much of that, but their checkup went well. The doctor thought that they were growing well and doing all the things that they ought to be doing for their adjusted age. Hays is of course not even on the growth chart for a nine month old, but Will is in the 10th percentile of height and the 3rd percentile for weight. That's not bad considering how tiny he was at birth. Hays is 12 lbs, and 25 1/2 in. long and Will is 15 lbs. and 27 1/2 in. The pediatrician took Will off of his prevacid since he's showing any signs of reflux, and said that we don't need to use the pulse ox at night since he's doing so well!!!
The physical therapist came out yesterday and she was pleased with the boy's progress as well. They have come such a long way in the short time that she's been working with them. It's amazing how on track they are considering everything that they've had to deal with.
Now we just have to get through the remaining doctor's appointments this week. Mason has a check-up on Thursday (and four shots- boo!!!!) then Will has an appointment with the pulmonologist on Friday. I can't wait for him to see my amazing boy! We might even run by the TICU to show off our little miracle. They don't get too many miracls in there, and we are awfully glad that our baby is one of them.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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