Well, the twins are playing happily on the floor rather than napping like they're supposed to be. Will woke up after a very short nap and then proceeded to wake his brother up with his yelling. Add this to the morning nap they refused to take, and you have two tired babies. I don't know what's up with the no sleep, but I'm getting pretty tired of it! At least Mason is asleep. Of course, that completely screws up my plan to take our down comforter to the cleaners this afternoon (our stupid cat peed on it for some unknown reason) since the twins will be ready to lay down when Mason gets up.
In spite of the lack of morning nap, I managed to get a ton of baby food made this morning. I pureed apples, avocados, mangos, sweet potaoes, acorn squash and mixed veggies. I still have strawberries, kiwi, peas and bananas left to do, but I ran out of ice cube trays. The homemade baby food has been a success. The boys love it, and they'll eat pretty much anything. The only down side is that it takes up a TON of freezer space, so that limits what I can put in there for the rest of the family. Of course, at this point, the twins are eating better than any of us!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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