So I was saying that we were really boring around here, but we certainly had some excitement today! We thought we were going to have to completely replace our septic system, so we had a man come out today to begin the repairs. He came out with a huge backhoe (much to Mason's delight) and started digging up the front yard. First, we got some good news. Tree roots had broken two of the lines, and the lines had gotten clogged with rocks and dirt. This clog was causing the water to back up and come out in the yard, rather than flowing down to the other fill lines. This is a pretty easy fix, since he'll just have to install a couple of new lines. It's also much cheaper than replacing the system- less than $1000 as opposed to $4-6,000. So I was really excited about that. But then things took a turn for the crazy. As he countinued digging to check out the rest of the lines, he accidently cut our cable line (knocking out our cable, internet, and phone) and cut an old, unused gas line we didn't even know we had! So then we had to call the gas company to come fix it before our house blew up! They instructed us to call 911 as well, so before I knew it I had 8 guys, several trucks, and a fire truck out in front of my house! It was madness. I guess that's why they tell you to call to locate utilities before you dig!
Luckily, my sister was intown today and she had come to see the kids, so she was able to look after them while I dealt with all the craziness. And we were able to get everything fixed within a couple of hours. We also got a couple of guys out here to mark the remaining utility lines. That way when the septic tank guy comes back to finish the job tomorrow, he won't cut anything else! But for now, we have a dug-up yard and a backhoe out front. Matt wanted to try to drive it around, but I convinced him that that was probably a bad idea!
As if that weren't exciting enough, both of the twins are sick. I've been concerned about Will for a few days because he's had a bad little cough. It's not bad during the day, but he'll have some brutal coughing fits at night- usually one at midnight and one staring about 5 am. Our nurses have been keeping an eye on him, and we've given him some extra breathing treatments which seem to help. But today poor Hays got hit hard by it. He's also just had a front tooth start to come through, so he's just a snotty, drooling mess. He's been waking up every 45 minutes or so tonight, and he was rubbing his ear earlier, so we'll likely be making a trip to the peditrician tomorrow to see if he has another ear infection. Poor little guy. I'm sure it doesn't help that they've been waking up between 5:30 and 6 for the last week and barely napping at all during the day. They've got to be exhausted. God knows I am! Oh crap, there goes Hays again. Sigh, will the fun ever end? I think I'm ready to be boring again!!!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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