We're boring again. Hays has a cold. Actually, he's had a cold for over a week now, but it seems like it's gotten worse over the past few days. He hasn't wanted to eat the last couple of days, so I took him to the doctor today. He's got a yucky cold, but that's about it. We did get a little scare when the nurse was checking his vital signs. She checked his oxygen sats and it came up 87- which is like go to the hospital dangerous! I wasn't too worried because I know what a kid looks like at 87, slightly blue-ish, and Hays was pink and breathing fine. But the doctor kind of freaked out for a second there when she saw the numbers. Turns out the nurse had used an adult-sized monitor, and it didn't work properly on tiny baby fingers!
I watched a good bit of the inauguration coverage today, and I was glad that I got to see the swearing in while I was sitting at the doctor with Hays. I hope we're at the beginning of some great changes. I believe that Barack Obama is a good man, and I'm saying my prayers that he will be the kind of leader our country needs. I'm happy that I was a witness to a campaign, election and inauguration that made people truly excited and filled with hope. So, happy Obama day, everyone. Here's hoping that the next four years will be good ones.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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