The plague has hit our house. I got the beginnings of a cold on Tuesday, and it's been downhill since then. I now have a full-on cold with sinus pressure that's threatening to make my head explode. And the fact that Will hasn't been sleeping well over the past couple of nights has not helped matters. He's been running a fever since he got his Synagis shots (RSV vaccine) on Wednesday. I didn't think much of it since he usually runs a fever after shots, but today the coughing and runny nose started. Yup, he's got a cold too. Yay. I gave him some Benadryl before bed and that knocked his little fanny out, so he should sleep good tonight! But even though he was out like a light the second he hit the bed, Hays had other ideas. He spent the last hour crying for no apparent reason. I know he was tired because he's barely napped the past two days, but he refused to go to sleep. I was thisclose to dosing him with Benadryl just to make him sleep, but I resisted the temptation! My mom tells a story about a woman she knew years ago who gave her daughter Benadryl anytime she wouldn't sleep, and let it suffice to say that the girl ain't quite right! I'd hate for Hays to wind up a slack-jawed yokle, so I guess we'll just have to endure the fussiness. He seems to have given up the fight for now, so we're praying for a peaceful evening.
I started planning an exciting trip for me, Matt and Mason- Disney World!!!! We're planning to go in October when he has fall break. It's a good ways away, but we'd better start saving our $$$ now. I was looking up ticket prices, food prices, etc. and let me tell you, that darn mouse will bleed you dry! Luckily, Matt's Aunt Judy has generously agreed to let us borrow her time share, so our accomodations are taken care of. And since it's a condo, it has a full kitchen so we can do breakfast and dinner there. That way we'll only have to eat lunch in the park, so we won't have to spend $15 dollars on a hot dog more than once a day! We are really excited about getting to do a really huge fun thing with just Mason. Has had a lot to deal with over the past year, and he's done an amazing job at being a big brother. He deserves a really big reward, and we can't think of a better one than a trip to Disney World and several days alone with mom and dad.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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