Things are looking a little brighter than they were a few days ago. Will's ear isn't hurting anymore and I'm no longer in immediate danger of coughing a lung or various other internal organs out on the kitchen floor. Will did atch Hays' pinkeye, but we expected nothing less. Their eyes are slightly less oozy, so I guess we're all on the men. Will is still trying to push two more teeth through, so that is causing some definite discomfort, but I think we're almost there. I'm not sure how Matt and Mason managed to remain untouvhed by the scourge of illness, but so far, so good.
I'm so glad that tomorrow is this first real day of spring! I'm ready for the weather to stay warm and beautiful. This afternoon was so nice that I filled up the little inflatable baby pool with warm water, tossed some toys in and let the twins sit beside it and splash to their hearts' content. It was too cool out to actually put them in the pool, but they had a ball anyway. Well, until they were both completely soaked and starting to get cold. Then the fun was over, but it lasted for quite a while!
Now that they can sit up on their own, life has gotten much easier. I guess it's been about 2-3 weeks since they finally figured out how to sit up withput toppling over after a while. The still weeble-wobble sometimes, but they've pretty much gotten this sitting thing down! Now that I can sit them on the floor with a basket of toys and let them go to town, it has gotten much easier to entertain them. It makes the day pass more quickly, and that is a good thing!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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