Hays is a full-on, hands and knees crawler! He's been doing it for a few days now, and he's getting fast! He has also figured out how to get up into a sitting position on his own, so he's had a big week. And his starting to try to pull up on things as well. In fact, he bonked his head pretty good on the bookshelf when he was trying to pull up on it today! Will is getting a little bit of foward motion up on his hands and knees, but he's mostly still doing the commando crawl, or his very unique dead dog crawl. But I imagine he'll be catching up to Hays in no time flat. How else would he take toys away from him?!
Mason is out of school for spring break for the next week (gulp). Keeping him entertained will be a feat if it keeps raining like it has been. The worst part will be living through the daily lego torture.....
Mason loves legos, and I mean LOVES legos. And I curse his father and the inventor of this evil toy for the all-consuming interest he has taken in these maddening little blocks. You may think, "What's wrong with legos??? I love legos." Well I will tell you. Legos are great- as long as you are old enough to build things with them, and repair them when they inevitably break by your self!!!!! Now, I am not opposed to a little lego playing with Mason during the day. But this is not just a little playing. This is constant badgering from 6:30 in the morning until 8:00 at night.
"Mommy, I need you to build me a machine. Mommy, I need you to fix this part. Mommy, I need you to take these blocks apart. Mommy, NO!!!!!!! That's not the way it's supposed to go (stomps foot) Mommy, that's not right. You're not doing it right, it's supposed to look like this (points to picture built with 5 million legos that come in the $70 kit) Yes we can build that!!! We do have all the pieces!! We can Mommy, we can!!! (starts crying)"
And this is what goes on, over and over, from sunup to sundown. So I have made a rule- no legos until Daddy gets home from work and can do it with you. Matt created this monster by introducing him to the joy of legos too early, so he can deal with it! Maybe I'm the meanest mommy in the world, but I don't care, it was either that or kill him! Plus, everyone knows that legos are choking hazards for babies who are into everything, so there.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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