I was out of comission for about half of the week because I hurt my neck so bad I could hardly move. I'm not sure exactly what I did, but I woke up Wednesday morning with pain that got progresivly worse throughout the day. By Wednesday night I couldn't even turn my head! It was just as bad Thursday (and let me tell you, it is not easy to keep up with two babies when you can barely move!), but I finally felt better Friday. My neck is still kind of stiff, but nothing like it was.
Our big news of the week is that Hays can pull up to standing all by himself!! He figured out how to do it a couple of days ago, and now every time I come to get him out of his crib, he's standing up! So cute. The twins had physical therapy this week and their therapist was thrilled with their progress. She was amazed at how far they had come in two weeks time. We didn't even set any goals for the next few weeks because they're right where they need to be. Yay!! Our nurse, Bo, wasn't here last week because he was on a trip with his family, so he was really amazed when he got here Tuesday. He was so proud of all of their new tricks! Bo is practically a member of the family now, and he truly loves my boys, so he was about as excited as we were to see how far they've come.
Of course, the week wasn't all rainbows and roses. Wednesday night Will pitched the screaming fit to end all screaming fits. I was home with the twins while Matt took Mason to baseball practice. The boys had been asleep for about an hour when Will woke up and started screaming. And he has this God-awful, ear-splitting high pitched scream that makes you want to throw him out the window just to make him shut up! I checked on him, but nothing was wrong. I gave him some tylenol in case he was having teething pain, and I changed him and gave him a little more bottle, but nothing worked. The child lliterally screamed nonstop for an hour and a half. Around the 45 minute mark I called my mom in tears going "What do I do?? How can I make him SHUT UP????" My mom came over to help me (so I wouldn't throw him out the window) but she couldn't settle him either. We finally just had to let him scream himself out. The bad thing was that it woke poor Hays up and then we had one screaming and one crying. God, that was a horrible night! I was concerned that maybe he wasn't over his ear infection and pain was making him scream. And Hays didn't seem to be feeling so hot either, so I took them to the doctor Thursday. Will was perfectly fine. The pediatrician said that sometimes they just do this at this age, and he said we just have to let him scream it out. Going in there and getting him up, holding him, etc. just teaches him that screaming works, and lord knows we don't want to do that. Haysie, on the other hand, was not over his previous ear infection and now had a double ear infection. Poor guy. The doctor gave him a different antibiotic and he seems fine now.
We had an Easter egg hunt in my mom's neighborhood on Friday. Mason found ots of eggs and had a good time hunting eggs, making crafts, and eating yummy Easter snacks. We made really cute sugar cookies decorated like Easter eggs, and he enjoyed those along with cupcakes, brownies and more. A regular smorgasboard of sugar! Not to mention the fact that all the eggs were filled with candy. As if that weren't enough, Matt came home that evening after playing golf with his dad with a huge bag of jelly beans and a giant chocolate rabbit from Budda! Will the sugar rush ever end? Not likely since the Easter Bunny comes tonight!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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