Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mason at the March of Dimes

Me speaking while Matt held on to the twinners

Grandaddy and the twinners at MOD

The Masonator

Mason with the tiller!

The old man aka Budda or Julio

Matt with the rake

Naked Haysie butt!!

It's been a bit of a long week. Will's had a screaming issue that's been about to kill us. Basically he's been screaming an ear piercing scream for no reason and it's going to make me lose my mind! It's been better the past couple of days thank goodness, and I really think it's related to teething. I know he;s trying to cut teeth, and the fact that he screams randomly in any situation makes me think that he's screaming when his gums hurt. Still, we're meeting with a speech therapist and a behavioral therapist and having a hearing screen done just to make sure there's nothing else going on. Better to err on the side of caution!
I'm posting lots of pictures tonight since I never got around to it during the week. Last weekend Matt and his dad tilled up most of the front yard and planted grass seed. And it's already starting to grow! From a distance it looks like we have a lawn. Up close you can see that it's really patchy and just starting to grow, but I think we may actually have a decent looking front yard before it's all said and done.

This week was our last week with nursing care. Boo!!!!!!! I am so said to see our wonderful nurses go. I am going to miss my girl talk with Audrey on Sunday afternoons, and Bo is going to be sorely missed during the week. They both were such blessings to our family and became wonderful friends. We're really going to miss them.
Today we had the big March of Dimes walk. It went really well!! I had to speak briefly and that seemed to go well, and then our family led off the walk. It was 2 1/2 miles through downtown Athens and it was a really nice day for it. It got a little tiring pushing the stroller- but not nearly as exhausting as Matt having to carry Mason! Poor guy. But he did it almost the entire way, and has barely complained about his aching back! We walked on the ZachNation team in memory of our NICU buddy Zach. His mom, Jessica, took on a huge role in coordinating the MOD festivities and she did a wonderful job.
Tonight we went to a birthday party for Matt's boss's wife I was pretty concerned about how the kids were going to do since they'd had such a long morning and not much afternoon nap, but they were champs. All three were sweet and well-behaved. They had a band at the party and Mason and Hays really liked that. It was a little loud for Will, but Hays was dancing and yelling the whole time! He's going to be ready to change his name to Haze and start his own band in no time! And Mason got to play the drums when the band took a break, so he was in hog heaven. The crazy thing was, he was actually pretty good! He has a surprisingly good sense of rhythm and everybody was impressed. I imagine he'll be asking for a drum set before long. And we'll get him one- as long as we can keep it at someone else's house!

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