Things are looking brighter than they were a few days ago. I got some much-needed time off yesterday and that helped a lot. My mom and I spent most of the day at the Mall of Georgia looking for christening/baptism outfits for the boys. All three of them are going to be baptized next Sunday- got to get them right with the Lord, you know! We lucked out and found precious white, smocked rompers for the twins. (Matt was ever so thrilled. He just loves it when I dress the boys in anything smocked. He tells them things like, "I'm sorry your mother's making you wear a dress.") And Mason is going to be looking quite dapper in a pair of white linen pants and a seersucker blazer. I'm thinking of dressing them as we're walking into the church- that's the only way they stand a chance of looking presentable during the actual baptism!
Matt was a champ and held down the fort while I was gone. All of the boys were alive when I got home, and only two of them had suffered head injuries. And no, I'm not being sarcastic, two of them actually were injured. Hays's head trauma came compliments of Mason pushing him in an umbrella stroller right into the brick wall of the house. He's got a little bruise/scrape combo, but nothing too horrible. Mason's injury resulted from throwing a screwdriver up in the air, which then landed blade-down on the top of his head. As with any head laceration, there was LOTS of blood. Mason was over at Matt's mom's house when it happened, and I'm pretty sure she just about had a heart attack when she saw the blood pouring from his head! Matt took him to the urgent care center to see if he needed stitches or a tetanus shot. The cut didn't require stitches and he'd already gotten the tetanus shot with his four-year-old booster shoots, so he was good to go. I learned about this fun adventure while I was on my way home and called to check in with Matt. He and Mason were at the doctor's office waiting to hear the verdict on stitches. Matt almost gave me a heart attack when he called me back after they'd seen the doctor and told me they'd had to shave Mason's head. All I could say was, "NO!!! He's being baptized next week!!" Luckily, Matt was just kidding. Jerk. But Will made it through the day unscathed, so yay for Will. We were supposeed to go to a party last night, but after all that, we really didn't feel like going anywhere. Instead we just stayed home and rented "Hotel for Dogs." We'd already had as much excitement as we could stand for one day.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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