Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Twin Talk

The twins are pretty much always together, so they don't have a lot of different experiences throughout the day. Today was the exception. Will had a pulmonologist's appointment in Atlanta, and it was a school day for Hays. Matt took Will so that we wouldn't have to drag Hays along and make him miss yet another day of school. (They were out all last week due to Will's bout with pneumonia.He didn't have to be hospitalized, just three days worth of Rocephin shots and another 10 days of oral antibiotic.)

Anyway, since they had different mornings, they had the opportunity at dinner time to tell each other about their day. This was their conversation:

Will: Haysie. Haysie. HAYSIE!! (takes Hays's hand and looks at him very seriously) Haysie, today I go to doctor, then I see Budda and ate pizza!

Hays: Really? I go to school.

Me: Tell Will what you did at school today.

Hays: I go to school.

Me: Yeah, but what did you do at school? Tell Will about the things you did.

Hays: I go to school and did project!

Will: Project? Yay!

It's so funny to watch them interact with each other. They've only rcently gotten to the point that they have actual conversations, give each other directions while playing, and joke around to make each other laugh. And it is always, ALWAYS, hilarious. Case in point- this gem that I posted on Facebook, but didn't share with all of you in blogland.

Hays to Will after Will said "shut up" to me: No, Will, we don't say shut up to Mommy. We say 'yes ma'am'..........or 'damnit'

Hmmmm, come to think of it, maybe I liked it better before they started talking to each other!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Most Dangerous Guy in the World

This, my friends, is the most dangerous guy in the world. I know what you're thinking, "Dangerous? How can he possibly be dangerous?" Oh sure, he's short, bald, toothless, and unable to sit up on his own, but Matt would rather me handle live explosives than this baby.

This is my nephew, Sawyer, and he is ridiculously cute. He has bright blue eyes and a smile that would melt the polar ice caps faster than global warming. He is round and cuddly and sweet, and dangerous. Because when I hold Sawyer, I forget that babies are hard and messy and expensive and frequently boring. I forget that I talked his sobbing, exhausted mother down from the ledge just two days ago after a week of sleepless nights. I forget that my house is so chaotic and overwhelming that I start wondering every afternoon how we're all going to live until bedtime. I forget all of that and think, "Babies!! I love babies! They're sooooooo cute and sweet."

And then I come home to my big, loud, arguing, rough-and-tumble boys, and I think about how sweet and cute and cuddly that baby was. Then I say, "Matt, that baby is so ridiculously adorable. He's like crack, he's so addictive. Don't you wish..." And before I can finish the sentence, Matt goes, "No. Hell no." And I sigh and say, "I know. You're right. But he is reeeeally cute." And the universe (and the grandparents) breathe a sigh of relief.

I've avoided the baby trap this time, but it's an ongoing struggle. Because he's dangerous. Really, really dangerous.