All is well on the homefront. Will had another great day. When our nurse got here today, I was feeding Will in the den. Bo automatically assumed it was Hays and went in to Will's room, only to find no baby and the equipment turned off. He came into the den and said, "So I guess he doesn't need the vent anymore?" And I was thrilled to tell him, shoot, he doesn't need the trach anymore!
We found out that we will still have the same ammount of nursing care for now. In a while our hours may decrease, but we'll still have care. Since Will still officially has tracheomalacia (weak airway) he's still at risk for respiratory issues. Because of this, we'll get nurse care for the purpose of monitoring him. But this means that I get to keep my extra pair of hands around the house. Hooray!!!!
We really got to enjoy having an equipment-free baby today.Will's always gotten lots of love, but it was hard to snuggle and cuddle him like you would with a baby that didn't have all that gear.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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