We finally got an adorable twin picture! They are too precious. Hays has been kind of puny the past few days. I think his mouth hurts because he cries when I start to feed him and he's gnawing on his hands constantly. He hasn't been sleeping well the past few days and he's starting to look like a refugee with his hollow, glazed eyes. Poor little guy. Hopefully he'll shake off this little funk soon.
Will is great. He's sucking down bottles like a champ. He finished all of his bottles except one today! We're so proud. If he keeps this up, he'll have that g-tube out in no time flat.
Mason is going through a little sassy stage. We had to have a talk about stealing the other day because he swiped a Power Ranger from Walmart. Luckily, Matt discovered it as soon as they walked out of the store and they returned it immediately. I'm not sure our talk really got through to Mason. All he said was, "But mommy, I wanted it and I didn't have any money, so I stoled it." We're trying to teach him that that's not really a good rationale for petty theft. So if you see him on America's Most Wanted in about 20 years, you'll know it all started with a pilfered Power Ranger!
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