Will had his six month check up yesterday and everything looks great. The doctor thought his lungs sounded good and that his development was right on track. He and Hays are both hitting all of the six month milestones, though they are still working on rolling from back to stomach. They can both do it, but it takes some effort. The next big hurdle is getting them to sit up on their own! The pediatrician wants us to see the neurologist to determine if Will needs a helmet to help shape his head. The right side is still slightly flat and one of his ears is further forward than the other. I'm not thrilled at the prospect, but what are you gonna do? At least he won't have a helmet and a trach! He had to get three shots and he's been a little under the weather today because of it. He has a big welt on the leg that got two injections and he ran a low-grade fever this morning. But he seemed to be feeling better by this evening.
Hays was a happy, talkative little guy today. He's going through the baby food like there's no tomorrow and he's really starting to fill out. He doesn't look so much like a scrawny old man! Now that he's over 10 lbs. we don't have to give him the special preemie formula anymore, so we're in the process of transitioning to regular baby formula. That's awesome because it saves us about $5 a week.
Mason had taekwondo at school today and he is absolutely loving it. I asked his instructors how he was doing and they said he was great- one of the best in the class! I was so proud of him. He went to the football game tonight with my parents and he came home full of excitement (and with a bright blue mouth from his ring pop!) He was telling me all about the game and I loved hearing about it from his point of view. He's such a great, funny kid (which is always easier to recognize when I've had a little time away from him!) and I am thrilled to get to see the world through his eyes.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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