Our finds from the comic book store.
$15 art- that's what I'm talking about.

The inspiration for Mason's room.
Oh lord, what a week it has been. Hays was pitiful sick all week long, but he finally picked up on Friday. He's still not 100%, but at least he'll let me put him down for five minutes. Will is still healthy so far (fingers crossed!) and has discovered a new love- Cheerios. He hoovers those things up like you would not believe. Give him a handful, and 30 seconds later, they're gone! And he's not dropping many of them. That boy loves his Cheerios.
Mason had a fun and busy day. We atarted the day early, thanks to Will. So Mason got his valentine present first thing, and Matt and I got to listen to him playing Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots at 6:00 a.m. Yay! That was after I had to figure out how to get the little plastic robots into their boxing ring before I'd had a single cup of coffee.
Later he was off to Valentine lunch with Yaya and Grandaddy. As soon as he got home we headed to a birthday party at a pottery studio- which, by the way, is a very cool place for a party. The kinds got to play with the clay, make bowls and decorate them with clay stamps and paint. They all had a great time. The only downside is that you have to wait a couple of weeks to get the thing you made since they have to glaze it and fire it.
Then we stopped by the comic book store to get supplies for this weekend's project, re-doing Mason's room! And here's the real challenge- do the room for $150 or less. I think I can do it. I already have bedding, so it's just paint and accessories. He currently has a cars and trucks themed room. He was big into anything with wheels when he was 2-3, but now his thing is Superheros. Any and all superheros, so we're changing it up Gotham-city style. I found this picture online, and I'm basically copying the wall mural exactly. And yes, in case it looks familiar, I stole this from a Pottery Barn catalogue! I know it's cheesy to completely copy it like I am, but Thinks was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, but couldn't come up with on my own!Seriously, I don't have an artistic bone in my body. I've got some some great striped bedding in several differnt blues, red and white- superhero colors, you know. And I found a great superhero poster, and we bought a few comic books with cool covers and put them in $2 Walmart frames! But it looks darn cute if I do say so myself. And I can't wait to do the mural tomorrow!!!! I taped it out tonight roughly, just to get the proportions right, so we'll have to straighten all the lines up tomorrow, but it is going to rock!!!!! I can't wait to show y'all the finished product.
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