So it's superbowl Sunday, but since I don't like football it doesn't really affect me one way or the other. It does mean that I had to make hotwings for dinner. I'm not a big wing fan, but Matt is, so I always make them for the superbowl. This year I used a sauce recipe that I saw on Live with Regis and Kelly and it was really good. I also made this banana split pie that was seriously yummy. Now I'm so stuffed I can barely move!
My mom and I spent most of the day yesterday looking for birthday outfits for the twins. We didn't have any luck, but I hit the jackpot today when I found light blue overalls on clearance at Pottery Barn kids. Only $9.99 each! We're going to have some kind of little birthday applique embroidered on them, so it should be really cute. I printed out the invitations and addressed them over the weekend, after spending well over an hour trying to decide which font to use! Crazy I know, but you only turn one once. And the fact that we made it through the first year is a miracle in and of itself!
And those crazy babies are doing their best to learn to crawl. I had been kind of worried about Will because he hated being on his tummy, and would just kind of lay on the floor. But ever since he learned to roll to get to a toy- look out! He now spends more time on his tummy than Hays does, and it wouldn't even surprise me if he crawled first. And they're both doing a great job with sitting up. Each can sit up for a long time with no support, it's just balance that we're having an issue with now. They can correct themselves if they start to wobble most of the time. But sometimes they just tip too far, and over they go! But we're getting there. Finally!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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