Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our lovely valentines cookies

Mason hard at work!

The swingset is all fixed up and it looks brand new! I did underestimate the amount of time it would take to stain it. I figured it would take 3-4 hours, but I was off by about half. It took a grand total of 8 hours to get it finished, but it looks so good now that it was well worth it.

Poor Haysie is sick again. He's been pitiful the last few days- very sleepy and cranky and just wanting to be held. At first I chalked it up to teething because he's drooling like a St. Bernard, but yesterday he started running a fever. This morning he still had a fever, and he threw up his bottle. A trip to the doctor confirmed what I expected- ear infection, as well as a sore throat and something viral. He started an antibiotic today, so hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow. He was so puny today the he slept all but about three hours. That made for an unusually peaceful day!

Mason and I took advantage of the unexpected peace and made valentine cookies for his class. He helped me make butter cookie dough this morning and we decorated the cookies tonight after dinner. So he now has cookies and Iron Man valentines for all the kids in his class. His class party is tomorrow since they don't have school Friday or Monday because of winter break. Darn you, Oconee County school calendar, making me miss two days of preschool!

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