Will tried to burn the house down yesterday. Okay, that's not entirely true. I don't think he actually was thinking "Hahaha, I'm gonna burn this sucker down," but since it was his actions that led to a small kitchen fire, I'm blaming him.
I was making dinner yesterday and I turned on the oven to preheat so I could make some biscuits. While it was heating, I went in the playroom to waste time on Facebook. Mason said, "Mom, something smells like roasting marshmallows." I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, so I said, "Oh, that's just dinner cooking." I few seconds later, I got a whiff of something distinctly campfire-ish. I turned around to see smoke pouring from the oven vents. Uh-oh. I ran into the kitchen to find a flaming potholder burning away in the oven. After a moment's panic of "Oh God, fire, kids in the house, what do I do?!!" I grabbed kitchen tongs, told Mason to keep his brothers out of the way, pulled out the burning potholder, threw it in the sink and ran water over it. Crisis averted.
We have Will to thank for the smoky kitchen and blackened mess in the sink. He's discovered that he can open the oven, but I didn't realize he was filling it with kitchen supplies! Now I guess we'll have to get a lock for the oven and it can join the ranks of the locked dishwasher, cabinets and pantry. But until I get one, I guess I'll be checking the oven before I try to preheat it again!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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