classroom shots, because there are two of them and one
of me, and that equals not enough hands to take pictures!)
Since I gave up blogging for the summer (it was too hot and boring- nobody wants to read two months of posts complaining about the weather and my whiny kids), you haven't heard about the twins latest adventure: preschool!!! Three weeks ago they took the first step down their educational path and began preschool one morning a week for three hours. Thus far, it's been glorious- three beautiful hours to myself (and I think they're having fun, too!)
I was a little nervous about starting them so young- Mason was three when he started and they're only 2 1/2. But I figured, they've got each other, so it's not like I'm dumping them alone in a roomful of strangers. Of course, the sobs you hear as I walk out the door would make you believe otherwise. This is a typical drop off: We get ready and they're all excited, "Yay, backpack! Yay, school! Yay, Miss Angie, Miss Diane!" We get to school and they dash to their classroom, run in the door, wave to their teachers, and...... burst into tears, but according to their teachers, they settle down quickly. And I get to walk out the door, free as a bird, for the first time in, well, ever. See, when Mason started preschool, I was newly pregnant with the twins. So instead of enjoying three hours of freedom each week, I used his school days for the 900,000 doctors appointments that crazy, medical mystery of a pregnancy required. But not this time, my friends. These three hours are mine, all mine!!!!
Sadly enough, three hours goes far too quickly and I generally use them to do something totally boring, like clean house. (And the fact that I can't manage to finish cleaning it in that three hours should tell you something about the general state of my house!) But still, it's three hours of quiet. Three hours of bathroom doors that can stay open, three hours of pet food that can stay on the floor, and sometimes I can even carry on an entire phone conversation without having to stop and yell at anyone!! And then, before you know it, it's 12:00 and I have to pick them up and the peace and quiet fades to a lovely memory. but I have the promise of next week's preschool morning to sustain me!
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