The twins finally went back to school this week! It was glorious. They haven't been in two weeks, and I was oh so ready for them to go back. They'd settled in really well at school and had gotten to the point that there were no tears when I left. I wondered if we'd have to start all over after after our two week sabbatical, but luckily that was not the case. They were very excited when I told them Tuesday morning that they were going to school. It went something like this:
Me: Boys, guess what? You get to go to school today!
Twins: Yay, school!! Miss Angie! Miss Diane!
Me: Yes, you get to see Miss Angie and Miss Diane! School is awesome!
Hays: School awesome!!
And it was indeed awesome when they ran into their classroom, hugged their teachers, and said, "Bye mom!" without a single tear!! And I had, for the first time in two weeks, three quiet hours to myself. Of course, I wasted it by coming home and mucking out the playroom, but at least we're down two giant bags of broken toys and junk!
Now we're counting down to Halloween. We've got our front porch decorated, and Mason's got his costume (Mario of Super Mario Brothers). The twins almost have costumes. I decided that I wasn't going to shell out $40 or so for crappy costumes that they'd probably refuse to wear anyway, so I have to make costumes. Will is going to be a fireman. He's wearing a fireman raincoat that was Mason's when he was little and a red plastic fire chief hat that currently resides in the dress-up box in our playroom. Cost for his costume- $0. Hays is going to be a dalmatian. I've got to get a white sweatshirt and sweatpants for him, but I already have black felt to make spots and puppy ears. Cost for his costume- less than $10. That I can live with! Our town has Halloween festivities downtown where all the merchants pass out candy. Since our little guys are a bit too young for trick-or-treating, this daytime celebration is perfect for them. I'm planning to use cardboard to decorate their little wagon like a firetruck and use that to pull them around downtown. We'll see how it works- I don't really have a whole lot of confidence in my artistic ability to pull of anything that even remotely resembles a firetruck, but it's worth a shot.
1 comment:
Have you lost your mind, Cameron? No confidence in your ability to pull off putting black spots on a jumpsuit and making a wagon look like a fire truck? Lady, if anyone can do it, you can...with bells on! K
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