During the last week or so, Mason and I have started walking together in the evenings. It has obvious benefits, such as getting me and our dog off our fat asses to get some exercise, but it's had unanticipated rewards as well. I hadn't planned to make this a mom and Mason activity. He used to start complaining thirty feet into a walk about his feet being tired, being bored etc., so the last thing I expected to hear when I told him I was taking the dog for a walk was, "I think I'll come with you." At first I was wary and gave him lots of warnings like, "we're going all around the neighborhood, even the big hills, and I don't want to hear any complaining!" I was pleasantly surprised when not only did he not complain, he wanted to walk much farther than I had planned!
And that long walk turned out to be an amazing thing. I got 30 minutes to just be with my son. We got to talk with no interruptions. He told me things about school and his friends. I got to take a break from telling him what to do and just enjoy him, and it was awesome. I had this time to appreciate how smart and funny he is, to look at him and truly see him, instead of casting a harried glance as I rush to get everything done. It was really a precious time, and I told him when we got home how much I'd enjoyed his company. I figured it would be a one, maybe two time thing before he tired of it, but so far he's asked every night if we can walk together. And every night has been just as special as the first.
I realize that I am really lucky to have these moments with him. I know that all too soon the day will come that walking with his mom will be the last thing on earth Mason wants to do. But I'm going to relish every bit of it while I can.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Proof that you're a good mama:)
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