I've been a member of a message board for twin moms since the day I found out I was expecting twins. I came home from that fateful doctors appointment and went online in search of someone to talk me down from the ledge of panic and fear I was standing on. I found a great group of girls that did that and more. Over the last three years we have shared confidences and given advice, and while I have only had the pleasure of meeting one in person, they have truly become soul sisters. I realize that, as with any online community, any of them could actually be creepy guys in a dark basement with pictures of their "kids" coming right out of the frame they bought at Walmart (that would actually explain a lot about one girl, but that's another story for another time). But creepy guy possibilities aside, they're awesome and I love 'em.
I checked in yesterday to see that one had posted a thread asking if anyone had started planning for their twins' upcoming third birthdays. That stopped me in my tracks. Third birthday? THIRD BIRTHDAY?????? How can they be turning three?? And how can they be turning three so soon that we're talking about birthday parties? Three is so old. A three year old is a preschooler. Not a baby, not even a toddler, a preschooler. And Will and Hays are my babies. Two I can handle, even 2 1/2, but three is out of the question.
I am not ready for them to move completely, irrevocably out of the baby stage. Plus, three means that I absolutely have to get them potty trained, and that is a monumental task that I'm not sure I can fully face. We've been dabbling in potty usage, but I have not committed to hardcore potty training. That's okay at two, but unacceptable at three. Plus, three year olds need to know their colors, numbers and ABCs. Mine still insist that everything is red, count "1, 2, 2, 5, 8...." and Will sings "A, B, C, D, D, D, D..." (Hays has a little better handle on the ABCs, but I'm still not sure he's at 3 year old level).
And plus, I'm not ready to let my sweet babies become big boys. I love my cuddly, snuggly boys that still say, "Mommy hold you" every day, and I am not ready to let that go. These guys are the last stop on the baby train for us (unless we win the lottery or science finds a way to guarantee a girl) and I'm not in any big hurry for it to end. Sure, you can do more with big kids, and big kids are really funny and insightful, but babies are SO SWEET!!!!
So I'm boycotting the third birthday. I'm keeping them two, and that's all there is to it. I'm not quite sure yet how I'm going to do that, but I'm going to find a way!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Sounds like you've relocated to Da'Nile:)
I so feel the same way about Zoey and Drake-not ready for 3.
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