Lately I've been feeling a sense of deja vu around my house, and it's all because of the twins. They're almost three, and while they're very different than Mason was when he was three, there are a couple of things that are exactly the same. Two in particular- movies and books.
When Mason was three, he was completely obsessed with the movie Cars. He watched it countless times and we had every single car from the movie. I stepped on them constantly and cursed them mightily, but he loved them, so we kept on buying them. He lost interest in cars when he was about 4 1/2 and it was like watching an old friend go. We packed up the multitude of cars with a sigh of nostalgia and let him get on with the business of turning into a big kid. But then, a few weeks ago, Hays discovered Cars and the obsession was resurrected.
He LOVES it. He wants to watch it every day, preferably multiple times a day. And don't get me started on Mater and the Ghost Light. When we busted out the bag of cars we had stashed in a closet, it was like Christmas all over again. Even Mason has a renewed interest in his old favorite. And Hays plays with those cars non-stop. First thing every morning I hear "I want Mater, Sally and Nice and Clean (Lightening McQueen- is that funny, or what?) So once again, little metal cars are scattered all over my house and I'm stepping on them constantly. In fact, I'm currently sporting an angry, purple bruise on the bottom of my foot from Mater- the most unforgiving of the bunch.
And it's not just Cars that has reemerged as a household favorite. Mason's favorite book at three was a book about a garbage truck called I Stink. If you have a three year old boy in your life, I highly recommend it. I've yet to meet one that didn't love it. And Will and Hays are no exception. We read it so many times a day that the boys recite it along with me. And I read it to Mason so many times that I knew most of it by heart even before the twins started with daily requests for "I Tink."
And I have to tell you, I really don't mind the deja vu (Angry, purple bruise not withstanding). It always makes me a little sad when they outgrow something they loved, so it's kind of nice to see old friends come around again. Especially since we spent a small fortune on those dang cars!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Hi! I just sent you a message on TMMB. I am "mommyoftwo" on there. Just wanted to make sure you got it :)
il libro preferito di Anna è " un culetto indipendente" della collana " Il Battello a vapore". Prima di lei l'hanno letto i suoi fratelli e ti assicuro che è bellissimo !!! Ciaoo Nicoletta
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