We are snowbound, iced in, totally stuck. It is, quite literally, Snowmageddon. I have seen a fair amount of snow and ice in Georgia in my lifetime, but nothing in my 32 years like this. We knew it was coming, but nothing could have prepared us for how long it would stay. We are coming up on day FIVE of being stuck at home. That is absurd and unheard of. So here's how it all went down...
The Snowpocalypse was supposed to start Sunday night. The news was calling for all kinds of mass power outages. Having been through that two years ago, I was in no hurry to suffer through a cold, dark house with three bored kids again in this lifetime. So we decided to relocate to Matt's mom's house. Her neighborhood has buried power lines, and if that didn't keep the lights on, she had a fireplace so we could at least stay (sort of) warm. But since we had no idea how long we'd be there or how cold we might get, packing everything we might need was a guessing game at best. That meant I had to pack up anything we might possibly need for any conceivable situation. By the time I was done, it took us not one, not two, but THREE trips to get everything and everybody (including the pets) over to Pat's house.
And let me tell you a bit about Pat's house. It's beautiful. It has lovely, expensive things. It looks like something straight out of a Pottery Barn catalogue. Or at least, it did until my brood descended upon it. Then it looked like a catalogue shoot gone horribly, horribly wrong. There were toys and junk strewn from one end of that house to the other. And here's the kicker- the power stayed on. It stayed on at her house, my house, everywhere. So all that packing and worrying was for absolutely nothing.
Well, maybe not nothing. It was, at least, a change of scenery. The kids got to play with different toys, and it was kind of a novelty for them. I called it our "snowcation." But after three days, the novelty had worn off and everyone was ready to get home. Luckily, the inches of ice on the road had thawed enough that we could slowly, but safely drive home. Well, Matt could. No way in hell was I driving my babies home on that ice rink.
So we made it home yesterday, and that was nice for about five seconds. Then the mantel of cabin fever that had been building up since Sunday settled over us once again. Because while we could get home, the roads were in no shape to be driving unless you had to. So we were still stuck inside. And I was slowly going bat-shit crazy. Truly, it's starting to resemble The Shining around here. I keep expecting to see Scatman Crothers show up at any moment. The kids are bored and whiny and demanding, and Hays is sick as a dog!
That little guy started running a fever Tuesday, and we were finally able to get him to the doctor this morning. (But my daddy had to drive us because the roads were still too icy for my liking) He has a double ear infection- his third this month. So after a nasty, painful Rocephin shot and a prescription for Zithromax, they're referring us to an ENT to get tubes in his ears and his adenoids removed. Yay, the fun is never-ending!!
And now school's been canceled again tomorrow. And Monday is a holiday. And if I don't get out of this house soon (by myself), somebody better hide all the axes.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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