Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pay up, Tooth Fairy!!!

Today is a big day for the Mase-man. He lost his first tooth!!!!! And since he's one of the last among his friends to lose a tooth, it's a really big deal. He'd been worrying about it for about six months, and I promised him that if he hadn't lost one by Christmas, we'd go to the dentist and ask her about it. But no worries now! He is officially a member of the snaggletooth squad!!

I'm a little worried about the Tooth Fairy's going rate these days. In our house, she will be giving $5 for the first tooth and $2 for subsequent teeth. I think that sounds reasonable, but who knows? I swear if he goes to school on Monday and some kid goes, "Five dollars? All you got was five dollars? The tooth Fairy left me a twenty." I'm going to go to that kid's house and punch his/her parents in the face for being an idiot and setting a bad precedent!

Mason's actually had lots of big days lately. He's playing soccer again, and this year he's on a team that actually wins sometimes! I mean, sure, it's all supposed to be fun whether they win or not. But let's be honest, winning is always more fun.

He's also joined the cub scouts. I signed up to be the assistant leader- partly because no else volunteered, and partly because I need to learn some boy stuff. As a girly-girl with no brothers, a have a shameful lack of knowledge about stuff like campfires and bb guns. If you need somebody to put tiny shoes on Barbie's feet or braid My Little Pony's tail, I'm your girl, but tell me to tie a square knot and I'm sunk! Hopefully this way I'll learn some useful skills.


Lindsey said...

$5!!! dang, teeth are getting expensive! I think I got a quarter, and I am only 25, that's not that old right? He looks like quite the soccer star! :)

Anonymous said...

You're super generous with $5! The south GA tooth fairy brings a gold dollar coin for each tooth. Tannis knows this fairy money is special and refuses to spend any of it!

Steven said...

Check out this very cool Tooth Fairy keepsake. Free code ($10 value) to catch the Tooth Fairy in the act when that tooth pops out:

Pass it on....