Monday, March 28, 2011

I Love Lucy

This is Lucy. She and I have been together for a long time. My college boyfriend and I adopted her from a south Georgia animal shelter almost 13 years ago. The shelter workers had the cats divided into two groups- the "cool" cats and the "not cool" cats. None of the "cool" kitties really caught my eye, so I decided to check out the uncool group. As soon as I walked in the room, this pretty little black cat started to meow at me. The minute I picked her up, she snuggled in my arms, reached her paw up, and rested it on my cheek. I was a goner. So we adopted her and adored her, and when the boyfriend and I parted ways, Lucy came with me.
Not long after, Matt and I started dating. He knew that Lucy and I were a package deal, but Matt hates cats. He was perfectly nice to Lucy, but I didn't know if he'd ever really bond with her. That concern was laid to rest when I came home from working a shift at the video store to find Matt holding Lucy up to the ceiling so she could catch a bug she'd been chasing. And even if he won't admit it, I know he loves Lucy almost as much as I do. He still hates cats, but he loves Lucy.
And things have rocked along pretty smoothly with Luce ever since. Oh sure, there have been some hiccups along the way. She hid for an entire month after Tess joined the family, coming out only at night, under a cover of darkness to eat. Then there was a terrifying night when we thought we'd lost her while we were moving to a new house. Luckily, Matt's dad found her hiding in a cabinet at the old house! She made herself fairly scarce when Mason was born (though as he's gotten older and more gentle, she's decided he's one of her favorite people), and now that the twins are here, she's stays holed up in my room during most of the daylight hours. But she's been mostly happy and healthy for more than a decade.
Until now. Now my sweet kitty girl has a tumor. It's in her mouth and we have no idea if it's malignant or benign, we just know it has to come out. So she's scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. It's going to cost a small fortune- $500-$600, but what can you do? She's in good health otherwise, and as long as the tumor isn't in her jawbone, she should be fine after the surgery. As long as they can get it all, she should have several good years ahead of her. Now, if it is in her jawbone, she's pretty much out of luck. As much as we love her, kitty chemo just isn't an option for us. But we're hoping and praying that this surgery will take care of it, and that we have lots of years left with our furry friend. So, do me a favor, say a little prayer, send good vibes her way-whatever works for you- that Miss Lucille will come through this with flying colors.


TinnyMey said...

Lucy is soooo beautiful ♥
Greetings from Germany

Unknown said...

You are an awesome writer! I hope you like "followers?" =) I was lying here a little sick in bed when I came across your blog... and loved it! I will keep little Miss Lucy in my prayers. We have many animals ourselves, though our kitty had to go live with a friend a few years ago when we discovered that our daughter was allergic (she has asthma.) Thank you so much for sharing; again, you are a great writer and enthralling to read! Blessings, E

Queen of the Testosterone Castle said...

Wow, thanks!!! I love followers, and love knowing that there are actually people out there reading my musings!!

I meant to post an update, but never got around to it. Lucy came through her surgery with flying colors! The growth was benign and our vet declared her to be in excellent health. And now she's completely healed and the fur is growing back from where they had to shave her front legs (that was hilarious- she looked like she was wearing ankle boots!) so she is one happy cat.
Thanks for reading!!