Our nurse this morning was two hours late. She apparently slept through hr alarm. She's a good nurse- she was here a couple of times at night- but good lord! Two hours? That's ridiculous. And mornings are the craziest part of the day. All three kids are up and hungry and Matt's trying to get ready for work, so I really need an extra hand then. But since our nurse was MIA, I had to go it alone. Matt was able to watch Hays for me while I did Will's trach care, so at least I was able to do that without having to contend with a screaming baby.
I'll tell you what, it's a good thing I didn't know how unreliable nursing care was going to be before I brought Will home or I would have been scared to bring him home. The upside of it all as that we have had to make sure we are completely proficcient with Will's care. We never know when problems will arise (proven by last Saturday's mucous plug adventure), so we have to know how to deal with anything that may come up. If I had known how many times we would have to go it alone just in the first two and a half weeks, I might have had to leave him at the hospital! But now we've proven to ourselves that we can handle this stuff and that's a good feeling. My mother in law's neighbor came in to see Will today, and after seeing all of his equipment she said, "I just can't imagine how y'all are doing all of this." And I told her it's like any baby, you bring them home and think, now what do I do? But then you figure it out and it becomes routine. My biggest fear when we found out Will needed the trach was that this stuff would never become routine. That it would always be a struggle and that we would always be terrified. Thank goodness I was wrong. A mom on the trach message board told me, "it will become normal to you and you won't give it a second thought." She was right.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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