We about had more excitement than we could stand today. Mason had a good day at school, but Will didn't have such a hot day. His oxygen sats were low this morning, so we put him on the vent and gave him a breathing treatment. But by the afternoon he was having a hard time breathing and his chest was really pulling. I called our pediatrician and was told to head to the emergency room. I called the NICU before heading to the hospital to see if they had any advice for getting in quickly. They said they would call ahead for us, so when we got there they were waiting on us and took Will straight back. So a million thanks to our beloved NICU nurses!!! They gave Will breathing treatments with Albuteral and that helped almost instantly. They drew blood and checked his secretions for infections and did a chest x-ray. Luckily he showed no signs of RSV or pneumonia. We thought they were going to keep him overnight for observation, but our pediatrician happened to be the doctor on call. After he checked Will out, he sent us home.He said that Will had basically had an asthma attack. Will was doing great, and since our hospital doesn't really deal with pediatric trachs, we were better equipped to care for Will than they were. And hospitals are filled with germs that he does not need. So after 5 1/2 hours in the ER we were on our way home.
The fun started wjhen we stopped by the pharmacy to pick up Will's Albuteral and steroids. He started pitching a fit and forgot to breathe, and then turned a lovely shade of dark purple. So I had to bag him with oxygen in the middle of the Wal;greens parking lot! But it worked, and he returned to a healthy pink color. But it was pretty scary. We got him home and he's zonked out. It was a long day for that guy. Everybody pray that we don't have to repeat that particular adventure!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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