Poor Will had to go to the doctor today. I thought he was getting better, but this morning his cough sounded awful. We wanted to catch any sickness in the making before it got really bad, so we headed to the pediatrician. His chest is pretty junky, but we got a steroid, an antibiotic and a steroid breathing treatment that should fix him up in no time. We have to make suere he doesn't get pneumonia because that would send him back to the hospital in no time flat.
Last night was exciting because our power went out at 10:30 and didn't come back on until midnight. We had to grope our way blindly through our pitch-black house to get to Will in order to connect all his equipment to battery backup. Luckily, we have enough battery power to last 14 hours. I still prefer the power on, even though it was very peaceful. Initially I was restless because I'm so used to always having something to entertain me. But once I settled down and stopped pacing, it was kind of nice to enjoy the peace and silence and just let my brain rest. But I would much rather the lights stay on tonight!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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