Will's had a rough couple of days. I think we wore him out this weekend. We probably overdid it a little, but he'll be okay. He hasn't been really bad off or anything, he's just been tired and his oxygen saturation levels have been lower than usual. Yesterday we kept him on the ventilator most of the day, and today we had to give him some oxygen. He slept a lot today and that seems to be helping. His oxygen sats are much better tonight, so I think he's recovering from his busy weekend! We had some drama in the middle of the night last night when his trach popped out, but we got it right back in, so no harm done. We're not really sure how it happened. Best we can figure he had scooched down in his bed a good bit, so his vent hoses were pulling kind of tight. His travh ties tend to loosen up after he's been wearing them for a while, and we think he must have just turned his head and popped that sucker right out! We don't know how long it was out, but his sats were fine and he didn't seem to be having any respiratory distress. He was a little wound up from having all the lights turned on and his trach put back in at four in the morning, but who can blame him!
We also think that teething has started for Will. Hays is still a drool factory, but the tooth has not yet made its appearance. Now Will's starting to drool like crazy and wanting to put everything in his mouth. Yay, two teething babies. What could be more fun?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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