It's been several days since I've posted, but it's honestly been pretty boring around here, until yesterday that is. we were getting ready for Mason's dentist appointment yesterday and while he was going to the bathroom he told me, "Mommy, my pee-pee hurts when I go tee-tee." All I could think was oh no, urinary tract infection! So we got a pediatrician appointment after the dentist. His dental appointment was great- no cavities, and the opediatrician confirmed a mild UTI. We think the culprit was a bottle of Transformers bubble bath I bought him the other day. Bubble bath has been known to cause UTI's in kids. It's more common in girls, but it can happen to boys too. Mason also got the flu mist vaccine while we were there. He didn't think much of that, but it beats a shot. While we were at CVS getting Mason's prescription filled, the pharmacist asked him, "Mason, what's wrong with you today." So he announced in a loud voice, "My pee-pee hurts!" Of course, everyone in a ten-mile radius heard and laughed! I wanted to melt into the floor, but what can you do?
The fun started for me at CVS. I'm trying to change health insurance companies because I found a better plan with a different company. But the new company needed a recent blood pressure reading, so I decided to check mine while we were there. It was sky high! I had my nurse check it again when I got home with the home machine I used while I was pregnant- still through the roof. So my mom sent me off to the doctor before I stroked out or something. The doctor checked me out and put me on a low dose of blood pressure medication. It wasn't really surprising since I have a strong family history of high blood pressure on my dad's side of the family. But today I have suffered every side effect that's common with this medication. I woke up with a headache so bad I couldn't even get out of bed. I was sick as a dog to my stomach and so tired I could barely lift a spoon to feed the twins. I'm feeling better now, but it was rough this morning. But I guess it beats a stroke!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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