Our septic tank issue has been resolved. The people we bought the house from told us it had been pumped out about six years earlier, but that apparently was not the case. The guy who came to fix it said it had not been pumped in at least 20 years. I'll spare you the disgusting details and let it suffice to say that it was gross. Really freakin' gross. But hey, it's fixed and will hopefully stay fixed. I can think of many other ways I would have liked to spend $600, but I guess that's a small price to pay to keep sewage from backing up in the house!
But Mason had a big time watching the guy dig up part of the yard with a backhoe. He was underfoot the entire time. When the guy was leaving he said "That little fella shore is a mess ain't he?" All I could do was agree. Even the babies seemed entertained by the backhoe, when Will first saw it, he just started laughing like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen!
And I have a very cute Mason and the babies story, two stories actually. This morning Mason wanted to feed Hays his bottle, so I went in the kitchen to fix a bottle for Will. While I'm in there I heard, "Okay Hays, let's see if you need to burp." I ran in the den to see Mason sitting Hays up in his lap, patting his back. I came in just in time to hear Hays let out a huge man burp, so all I could say was, "Wow, way to go Mason!" Then later this afternoon I was feeding the babies while they were sitting in their bouncy seats. Mason was doing some taekwondo drill that involves lots of running in place while pretending like he's running through the jungle. Will and Hays were watching him intently, and everytime Mason would start running, Will would start kicking his legs furiously like he was running too! It was hilarious. Those babies sure do love their big brother. Their eyes light up and they grin like fools every time he talks to them!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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