Tonight I embarked on a new project- making my own baby food! Yesterday on Good Morning America they said you could save $300 a year by making your own baby food, so I got curious as to how difficult it would actually be. After finding some recipes on the internet, I decided it didn't look too labor intensive and it was worth a shot. Plus, the only investment I had to make was a few ice cube trays and ziploc bags, so if it turned out to be a total pain in the butt and I never did it again, I'd only be out a couple of dollars. It was actually really easy, and I now have frozen cubes of applesauce, blueberries, mangos, carrots and peas in the freezer. Next up is sweet potatoes, chicken, turkey, bananas, pears and guava (which is Hays' favorite). I told my sister that I felt like Laura Ingalls, though she probably didn't have a blender! But the true test will be whether or not Hays eats it. I'll be crushed if he prefers the stuff in jars!
Of course, he may not eat much of anything, because I think his bottom tooth is finally coming in! I can see the top of it, and he's drooling like a faucet. He's also in a fair amount of pain, poor baby. I've been using these homeopathic teething tablets that seem to help, but he was so pitiful tonight that I had to dose him with tylenol. Hopefully the tooth will come through in the next day or two and stop hurting him. Then I guess it will be Will's turn!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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