Mason appears to be going through a little kleptomania phase. We thought we had the whole stealing thing under crontrol after the Power Ranger incident a while back, but it's reared its ugly head over the past week. We had not one, but two incidents of petty theft. First he swiped some little toy out of his classroom at school, then lied and told me his teacher gave it to him. When I told him I was going to ask the teacher about it, he said "Um, no, don't." Dead giveaway. Then as we were leaving Publix a couple of nights ago, I heard an odd rattling sound coming from his pocket. I asked him what was in his pocket, to which he replied "nothing." Nothing turned out to be a box of tic-tacs. So I marched him right back in to the store and up to the customer service desk to return them and aplogize. We had another talk about why taking things that don't belong to you is wrong, then I told him if he ever did it again, I was taking his superhero toys away for an entire week. We'll see if it works!
Tonight I have been hard at work making togas for me and Matt. We're going to a toga party tomorrow night and I can't wait. Though I must say, making a toga is much harder than you would think! Mine still doesn't drape quite as gracefully as I would like, but it will have to do.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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