Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Giving thanks for a year of blessings

Okay, so I know I'm a loser and should have posted beach pictures, etc. by now, but I've been lazy. I promise lots of pictures and a full report on the beach trip, which was both fun and exhausting. But tonight I just wanted to acknowledge the one-year anniversary of bringing Will home from the hospital. Last July 21st was exciting and terrifying. We were so happy to have our family complete and under the same roof, but we were terrified to have a child with such enormous medical needs who was depending on us to keep him safe and healthy. I could never have imagined then how far we would have come in a year's time.
Will is such a joy. He is smart and funny and heart-breakingly beautiful. He has recently learned to give kisses, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be on the receiving end of those! Last year we thought we were going to have such a long, arduous journey ahead of us, and yet here we are blessed with this amazing child who laughs and climbs everything he can reach and crawls around the house calling "mama" and fights with his brother over toys and splashes in the bathtub and loves potato salad more than life itself. I know these are all such normal things, and that to me is the biggest blessing. We get to be normal. We don't have to be scared and worried all the time. Our life with him no longer revolves around doctors and medications and medical equipment. It's just a regular old life, and we could not be more grateful for it.
So say a little prayer of thanks for the boundless blessings given to my child over the last year. He is so lucky and so loved and I am the most thankful mama.

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