Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Day of School!!

The first day of kindergarten was a success!!!! He was excited and ready to go this morning, and there was not a single tear shed when we left him in his classroom. He did call me back a couple of times for one more hug and kiss, but he didn't come running after us or anything, so I was proud. The scholl had a "boohoo breakfast" for the parents, but I made it through without boohooing! I got all my crying out of the way yesterday, so I was okay today. It was weird being at home with just the twins though. It was way more calm than it normally is, and I was anxious all day about how he was doing at school.
We had a bit of a bus snafu this afternoon. I was outside with the twins waiting to meet the bus. It came down one street and didn't stop, came down another street and didn't stop, then it came down our street, stopped at the 4-way stop and turned out of the neighborhood! I wasn't panicking, but I was nervous. I called the school and told them that the bus had come through our neighborhood, but my child hadn't gotten off. They called his bus, tracked him down and the bus brought him home. Turns out he just didn't know where to get off, so he didn't! But he knows his stop now and so does the bus driver, so we should be good to go tomorrow.
When he got off the bus, he was all smiles and said that school was awesome! He had fun and loves his teachers and made two new friends, a boy named Hudson and a girl named Queen. He's ready to go back tomorrow. I was sooooooo relieved! Let's hope that the year continues to go this well.

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